Friday, June 29, 2012

Watching Brave and Making Books

I have been trying to do a fun or educational activity with the boys every day during the summer. We went to see the movie Brave on the first Monday of summer vacation to kick off our summer-o-fun.

I bought a package of card stock and the boys have been making a "page" for every activity we do. At the end of summer, we will bind these together into a book - it not only makes a neat keepsake, but it also helps with reading and writing skills.

Matt's page is below - he drew an arrow flying toward the target, and a bow. He also re-wrote the title of the movie at the bottom of his page, and pasted his movie ticket to the page.

Nolan drew bows and arrows and a bear. The arrows are flying at the bear, who seems to have a rather sunny attitude despite his predicament. Nolan also pasted his movie ticket to his paper.

These pages are a lot of fun, and the boys want to do more activities to fill up their summer books!

1 comment:

Herding Grasshoppers said...

What a great idea! Love the books :D