Friday, November 6, 2009

November Crafts

Matthew has finally decided that he loves to do "projects." This means that I'm breaking out every piece of construction paper in the house, and we're getting to work on Thanksgiving art!

We've made mosaic cornucopias- ripping up construction paper and pasting the pieces onto a print-out. Mine is on the top and Matthew's is on the bottom. I did it alongside Matt so he could see where the different colors went. I think he did an good job for a three year old!

We also made bird feeders out of cardboard rolls, peanut butter, and birdseed. The boys love looking out the window to count the number of blue jays at our feeder! We get a lot of blue jays and chickadees, and an occasional cardinal. It won't be long before the boys will be able to identify all of the various bird species in our neck of the woods!

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