Thursday, January 10, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve started out as a really fun day. We took the boys to see Rise of the Guardians, which we all loved. The boys had popcorn and Icees, and Nolan spent the rest of the afternoon pretending to be Jack Frost. Dennis made a side trip to Home Depot, and when we came home he looked awful. Within an hour, he was running a 104 degree temperature. Hello, influenza.

I was extremely grateful that I got my flu shot in early December. The boys had been immunized a while ago, so I hoped the rest of us would avoid it. I played engineer that night and put together the two Green Machines. Nolan has the Green Machine, Jr. and it was the most difficult bike to put together. Matt's regular Green Machine was a cinch to assemble.

I went to bed and the boys awoke to their Santa letters on the tree.

Matt wanted a bell from Santa's sleigh, and Santa almost forgot. He dropped a bell down the chimney before he left, so the boys found the bell in the fireplace.

The boys opened their stockings and presents. Christmas morning is a lot of fun with little ones.

Later that day, they were able to take their Green Machines for a spin. It was snowy, but the main road was clear so they were able to do a few spin-outs. They both can't wait for spring to arrive so they can ride their bikes on a regular basis.

Despite Dennis being so very sick, we had a good Christmas and the boys had a really fun day. No one else caught the virus, so we were grateful that our flu shots saved us!

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