Friday, January 18, 2013

Ski School: Holiday Valley Trip

The snow was flying fast and there were no major tasks planned for the weekend, so we bundled up the family and headed to Holiday Valley. The boys were really excited to ski, so we booked Matt into a full-day ski lesson and Nolan into the "Li'l Troopers" half day lesson (at the age of 5, he isn't old enough to qualify for the full day session).

We checked them into their classes and they seemed quite happy to go out on the slopes with their teachers.

Once the kids were happily settled into their classes, Dennis and I hit the slopes. The trails at Holiday Valley are really beautiful - we took pictures at the top of Tannenbaum, where the trees were coated in snow.

Soon it was time for lunch (and Nolan's pick-up time). Nolan was upset that he only had a half-day session, but I promised to take him back out on the slopes after lunch.

We ran into Matt's class while we were on the tow rope ski slope. Nolan had a lot of difficulty managing the tow rope, as it takes a lot of strength to keep your skis straight ahead!

Dennis stopped by and helped Nolan manage the tow rope.

I had a great deal of fun watching Matt ski - he was having a great time and had no trouble navigating the course (slalom poles) set up by the instructors. He was able to turn and stop easily, so he moved on to the chair lift.

Nolan was desperate to ride the chair lift, so Dennis and I promised him a ride. We picked up Matt from ski school and headed to the top of the beginner chair lift run.

Nolan was beyond thrilled to ride the chair lift. I think this was almost as much fun as skiing for him!

A nice skier offered to take a picture of our entire family at the top of the School Haus run.

Matt enjoyed skiing, too, and didn't want to leave. He is a more experienced chair-lift rider, and was cool as a cucumber. Of course, Daddy had to hone in on his picture! This shot still makes me laugh.

I only wish skiing were not such an expensive sport. We enjoy it so much, but this was probably our only trip for the season. With lift tickets and ski school (still a necessity for the boys), it was an expensive day! Judging by the smiles all around, the money spent was well worth it.

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