I figured it was time for a little update on how the kids are doing, so here's an update on Matt-man since he is 28 months old today. It is amazing how time increases to warp speed once you have children!
I'm not quite sure on his physical stats, since we rarely see the doctor these days (we're on to annual visits and he doesn't get sick very often)! He is fairly tall and lean for his age, since he's the height of many three year olds in the playgroup we attend.
He is a ball of energy and great fun now that he is able to communicate his thoughts and ideas to us. In his words, here are some recent events in his life:
("Mah Tloo! Pop. Tloo! Bye, tloo.")
"My balloon! Pop. Balloon! Bye, balloon."
"Cat. I see cat! I eat cat! Yum!"
Don't worry- he's just joking. We hope. This one also came out clear as day.
("See deer. Inair. Deer inair")
"I see deer. In there. Deer in there."
("Bee! Shhh... bee. Shoo! Bee shoo! Doe Doe bee! Shoo!")
"Bee! Shhh.. bee. Shoo! Bee shoo! No no bee! Shoo!"
"He poop. Ewwww!"
("Da! Da go! Tut! Shoe! Bi shoe! Bye Da!")
"Da! Dad go! Truck. Shoes. Big shoes. Bye, Da!"
(Num num! I eat! Taaa! Dae!")
"Num num! I eat! Candy! Thank you!"
I really, really love two years old. Of course, I've loved all the other ages, too- it's just that I absolutely LOVE hearing what is going on in his mind.
His current obsessions are trains, firetrucks, trucks, cars, planes, tractors, and anything else that is mechanized. His only fear at this point are the bees that hang around the flowers. He would live outside if allowed and believes that all animals live in the woods behind our house (he's going to be disappointed to find out elephants do not actually live in our woods).
We are entering the age of magical thinking, and there is nothing better!