Usually, Daddy puts Matthew to bed. Last night, Mommy was requested for bedtime and I very happily set off with the munchkin to read a book (or four) and settle him down for the night. Apparently, I didn't verify the bathroom door was shut before venturing back downstairs.
At 9:00pm (one hour past bedtime) we hear that delightful pitter-patter which means someone is NOT asleep. We hear him trying to climb over the gate. He's saying, "I eat! I eat! Berry!" He's been unusually hungry lately, so Dennis went to check on him. Dennis didn't come back downstairs. I hear the bath running. I honestly debated feigning sleep downstairs, because a part of me just didn't want to know.
Turns out Matthew believes Desitin really belongs on one's hair rather than the area of the body its intended for. Turns out that Desitin is rather hard to get out of a kid's hair, though it does make an excellent styling medium (we have been fashioning spikes out of his hair this morning, even after washing his hair 4 times).
One thing we can be sure of: the bathroom door will be secured tonight! And his face will be free from diaper rash!