Since not EVERYTHING in life is related to hearing loss (though it seems like much of our lives are consumed by it now), I thought I'd make another blog. Plus, with hubby in Sweden for extended periods of time and lake effect snow heading our way, I need some indoor activity to keep me from going insane!
Matthew is almost 23 months old- a December baby who was due on Christmas but decided to come three days early, much to my husband's dismay. He was hoping to kill two birds with one stone and have Matthew's birthday on Christmas. So much for efficiency! He is what some call "all boy." This generally means he is a hybrid of a category 5 hurricane and the energizer bunny. We never lose him because there is always a path of destruction leading to his whereabouts. He was a HORRIBLE sleeper as a baby and just started sleeping through the night. I believe this miraculous event was inspired by his taking of a "comfort object" other than mommy. Unfortunately, his comfort object is a pair of pliers. Not toy pliers, but metal pliers from my husband's toolbox. Not very cuddly, but it lets us get some sleep and he loves them.
Nolan is almost 3 months old. We found out we were expecting him on my first son's first birthday. What is it with us and Christmas? This Christmas will be entirely free of having or conceiving babies! He was due the day after my birthday. My husband fervently prayed he would be born on my birthday- again for efficiency purposes. Nolan had a mind of his own and arrived a week early on August 27. He's been a much easier baby than his big brother- sleeping well and rarely crying. I'm sure he'll make up for it in his toddler years! He is smiling, cooing, and squealing now, which is loads of fun.
Then there's me- recently quitting my full time job to stay at home with the kiddos. I used to work with my husband at a small biotech company, and will probably do some work from home. I'm not going into the office any more, though- the 8-5 deal was too difficult with his international travel (and I didn't want to travel without the kids, which was a risk with my job). He's the director of Product Development at the company and is currently traveling quite a bit (2 weeks out of every month) to Sweden.
That's us in a nutshell- born in California, moved to Ireland (for work), then back to California (briefly) and then on to Western New York. We think we'll stay here for a while, or at least until the snow drives us certifiably insane!