Friday, June 6, 2008

Almost two AND A HALF!

I can't believe Matt is almost 2 1/2. He continues to knock our socks off with what he learns every day!

His most recent accomplishments:

  • He can now take the "spinny knob" covers off the doorknobs.
  • He can climb over the baby gate.
  • He speaks in (sometimes intelligible) 3 and 4 word sentences.
  • He can run, jump, stand on one leg, and pedal a tricycle.

His view on the world (in his own words, though I am totally correcting for his articulation):


"Where moon go? Where go? Clouds. Bye bye moon."

"Moon! I get it! Uuughhh (jumping)! Rocket ship!"


"Shoo! Get away! Bee! Bee fly in eye. Fly in that eye. Shoo! Get away!"

"Cool! Bug. What bug? Ant. Bye bye!"


"Need key. My key. My tractor. Where key? Daddy key. I drive. I drive tractor!"

(Note from mom: the keys are put up and are out of his reach. All we need is a two year old joy-riding on our street).


"MY toy! MY truck! Noooooo! No! My tractor! My car! My flashlight!"

"No eat cat food!" (said to Nolan).

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