"What, Matthew? For goodness sake, WHAT?"
"I got DIRT!"
Matthew checking out the apples with our friend Kim!
What do you mean, I'm not tall enough to ride!
They had a tunnel for toddlers. Nolan fell into the dirt and didn't want to play anymore.
The zoo is so big that we had to take frequent drink and rest breaks. It was 88 degrees, so the shade from the large oak trees was well appreciated.
Note: 2 year olds never actually "rest."
We managed to make it until 3:00pm before the little ones started to flag. We left while the going was good (i.e. prior to meltdown). We never made it to some of the exhibits (the indoor rainforest, the stingray touch pool, the butterfly garden), but we'll certainly be heading back when summer 2009 rolls around!