Monday, September 22, 2008


I have never been a big fan of anything sporting fewer than two legs or more than four legs. In a great sense of cosmic humor, I was given boys who love to dig in the dirt and find all sorts of unidentifiable creatures and show them to me. Take the conversation last Friday:

"Mama! I lost him!"

"Lost who, Matthew?"

"My worm! I lost him!"

"Oh, did you lose your worm outside?"

"Noooo! In here!"

Great... I still haven't found said worm.

Today a caterpillar*, grasshopper, ant, and inchworm were all brought inside for my consideration. Most were rather squished from the enthusiasm of a small boy, though the ant appears to have survived. I can only hope this fascination either begins to fade, or that my dear boy will begin to keep them outside!

*Matthew called it a caterpillar, but it was the larval form of some hideous insect. Presumably, a biting one. That one was relocated outside in a hurry!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Yea, Leah! (Welcome to my world - bwa ha ha.)

Plastic peanut butter jars and "bug houses" (the mesh kind you can get at Wal-Mart or Target in the spring) are well worth having.

Just wait until spring...


leah said...

I used to look forward to spring.... haha!

Here It Comes said...

Emmi's therapist gave her monarch caterpillars. She kept them in a cage, fed them milkweed, and then released them when they became butterflies. We then had to plant milkweed in the backyard for the girls. Except now, they bring those caterpillars in the house all the time and leave them everywhere!