Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rough Week

Matt came running into our room this morning with that anxious whine/cry that signals a very little boy who has either had a nightmare or who is feeling quite sick. Guess which one of the two it was?

Matthew is not the type of kid who sits still, and this boy has been on the couch all day long. He spit up this morning, but hasn't erupted since that time. He's even managed to eat a little, and is quite happy with all the ginger ale he's allowed to have.

He fell asleep watching Cars two hours ago and doesn't show any signs of waking up.

You think they are so big, and then they get sick and you realize how very small they really are.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

So how's the patient? (Did it spread?)

Hope you're all well,


leah said...

He's better and none of the rest of us got it! I am a believer of miracles, lol.