Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter was a bit early this year, since we were traveling down to Myrtle Beach on Easter Sunday. My mom came to visit the week before Easter, so we dyed eggs with Grandma!

So happy to be together 

 Matt's green-and-pink egg

Nolan's egg was supposed to be purple, but turned pink instead. 

Nolan's egg 

A basket full of colorful eggs!

The Saturday before Easter, we held an Easter Egg hunt and the boys received their annual chocolate bunny.  I also made deviled eggs, in an attempt to eat a dozen hard-boiled, dyed Easter Eggs prior to departing for our vacation.

Nolan finds an egg! 

Matt spies an egg in a tree 

Found another one! 

Daddy, over there! 

Matt with a chocolate bunny 

Opening Easter Eggs

After the Easter Egg hunt, we took Casey dog to the kennel, and said goodbye. It was really, really hard to leave him at the kennel. He's such a part of our family that he is used to sleeping on the carpet by our bed - he's never been kept in a cage before. Nolan was quite upset about leaving him at the kennel, though we managed to reassure him that it was only for a few days. Fortunately, he relaxed about leaving Casey by that evening!

We had both boys in bed at a reasonable time and packed the car - our trip to Myrtle Beach would begin at 4:00am the next morning, when we would wake for our mammoth road trip!

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