Friday, January 30, 2009
Can't Play Outside
Monday, January 26, 2009
Creative Arts
Hey, this stuff doesn't taste very good!
Matt isn't a fan of getting his hands dirty, either, and solved his own problem by finding a spoon to paint with.
Red and yellow make orange fingers
Coming soon to a grandparent near you: Valentine's Day cards!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
In Which We Waterboard the Cat
long hair + intestinal illness = putrid cat
Thus follows three days of tactical planning and failed attack plans for making this particular cat* less vile.
Day 1:
Fetid odor noticed; enemy spied slinking along the south baseboard heater to food bowl. Armed with comb, our brave soldier successfully corners the enemy. Sadly, the comb is no match for the weapon our nemesis has deployed. We retreat and live to fight another day.
Day 2:
The enemy is locked out into the frozen wilderness. There is hope this will disarm the weapon without further action. With a sickening feeling, we realize this is not to occur and the malodorous cat has redoubled its effort and is now sneering at us in disdain.
Day 3:
The wretched mass of cat is lured inside, unaware of the carefully wrought plan of entrapment. The brave soldier chases him into the laundry room and shuts the door. An hour later we peer inside to make sure the prisoner has not escaped. It is lying in its litter box, adding to the weapon of stink. We get the innocent civilians to bed before the attack begins in earnest. Armed with cat shampoo ("Pleasing Harbor Mist anti-shedding shampoo", to be exact), two towels, two types of cat comb, a tub half full of water, leather work gloves, we strike.
We wrap the cat in a towel to prevent escape, wildly underestimating the capabilities of this feline. Once placed in water, he escapes and hisses, flinging soiled water in all directions. We are fast and furious- blitzkrieg in a four foot square bathroom. Holding the cat down to the bottom of the tub (he can't move or his head gets submerged), the brave soldier scrubs valiantly until all traces of filth are removed from the cat. Gitmo has nothing on us. Unfortunately, the cat decided not to drown itself and we were able to complete the cleaning process. It is currently entrapped in the upstairs bathroom, no doubt plotting its revenge.
The brave soldier is recuperating with two bandaids and an entire tube of neosporin.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Two and a Half Months
We finally made our airline reservations to visit California over Easter. Every time I look outside at the ridiculous amount of snow (and the -25F temperature with windchill) I pine for Southern California.
Grandma was actually here, too, but we didn't get very many photos during their visit. I really need to remember to break out the camera more often!
Matthew had some real gems when they were visiting.
During bathtime: "Grandma, why you face wrinkled?"
On a snowy car ride, in an attempt to calm his grandmother's jitters: "We going to crash. A car going to hit us."
At night: "He keep taking my thumb!" That one took a bit of figuring out. The boys are still climbing into the same bed to sleep. Nolan was laying next to Matthew (our resident thumb-sucker) and kept yanking his thumb out of his mouth at regular intervals. I think Nolan liked the reaction he got out of Matthew when he pulled his thumb out.
Family has now left us and we are left in a world of snow and ice as they venture homeward toward sun and sand. Only two and a half months until we get to break out the shorts and go for a visit!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ski Day
We are thrilled that he loves skiing as much as we do. The only thing that made him upset was when he kept stopping on the really flat areas! We do need to purchase a helmet before we get him on a chair lift, but chair lifts are probably a year away at this point. Way to go for learning a new thing, Matt-man!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Please. And Thank You?
"Daddy, I want chip!"
"Matthew, you need to ask nicely. What do you say?"
"Pleeeaasseee I can have one chip, Daddy?"
"OK. Here's a chip. Now what do you say?"
"Pleeaaasseee I have two chips Daddy?"
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Intended Use
Going Up
Going Down
I thank my lucky stars they haven't thought of taking this thing for a ride down the stairs. My hair is getting grayer by the day!