Monday, January 26, 2009

Creative Arts

With Speech Therapy being post-poned for a while, I have had to find some extra activities to
enrich our mornings. This morning saw our breakfast nook get turned into art central. First up: finger painting. Matthew LOVES this activity; Nolan, not so much. He touched the paint once, tried to eat it, then started crying because his hands were dirty.

Hey, this stuff doesn't taste very good!

Matt isn't a fan of getting his hands dirty, either, and solved his own problem by finding a spoon to paint with.

Red and yellow make orange fingers

After finger painting, Matt and I made Valentine's Day cards. I assembled the heart-winged butterflies, he put on the paint and pressed the sides together to get the pattern on the wings. They're not professional cards, but they were a lot of fun to make!

Coming soon to a grandparent near you: Valentine's Day cards!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

If he wants to eat it, you could try it with (colored) vanilla pudding!

leah said...

I need to pick up some vanilla pudding. We used to do that with Matt because he ate EVERYTHING. He didn't quit mouthing things until close to three! Nolan isn't nearly as "oral" and usually doesn't try to eat things. Apparently, finger paint looks yummy!

rouchi6 said...

what lovely pics of the boys....why has the therapy been postponed?do keep talking to him.thanks so much for your wishes.our kids are brave and we are lucky to have them.lovely artwork too.

leah said...

Our speech therapy is on hold because our therapist is recovering from surgery. We certainly miss her! We will be getting a substitute in a short while!

rouchi6 said...

I hope she recovers soon!I find myself becoming laid back when we miss therapy due to some reason or when we are given holidays.