Friday, September 18, 2009

Matt's First Day of Preschool

Matt had his first day of preschool on Wednesday. The first day that I walked him into the building, kissed his cheek, and watched him go into his classroom. The first day that I turned around and left- without him.

This has caused some separation anxiety, though not on the part of Matthew. Our dear Nolan does not understand why we have left Matthew behind, and cried "Get Matt!" as we drove home. He yelled "GET MATT!" as we waited in the hallway to pick his big brother up from school. And he shrieked "Got Matt!" when our jubilant preschooler left his classroom.

Matt has already found a friend in the class, and they are nearly glued together at the hip. They hold hands on the way into class, chatter about bandaids and basketball and other little boy things that are way out of my league. Nolan, however, is less than thrilled with this new friendship. He ran up and anxiously cried, "Hold my hand, Matt!" Matt was quite busy with his new friend and did not take notice.

Nolan, undaunted, went up to the other little boy. Emphatically, Nolan told him, "That MY Matt." Fortunately, the bigger boys were great sports and both held Nolan's hands as we walked out to the car. We waved good bye to all the other preschoolers and everyone was happy. Nolan cried out one last reminder to the other kids:

"My Matt. That MY Matt!"

I have a feeling there might be a slight adjustment period to this whole "preschool thing."


Apraxia Mom said...

Oh my gosh! How sweet! My Matt! I love how he had to remind everyone!

Hope they got the point!

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh my goodness... "THAT MY MATT!"

