Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The boys were running around like little crazy people, so I did what any sane mother would do and kicked them outside. I told them to find something constructive to do.

When I looked outside, I realized they had taken apart a few toys in the backyard. Upon further questioning, I found out that they were "constructing." Next time, I'll choose different words when I send them outside!


Saying hi to Mom.

Uh-oh. We got caught.

Are we in trouble?

They were worried they'd get in trouble, but I wasn't upset. These toys snap apart and are easy to put back together, so it isn't a problem to fix their "construction" work. I do have a feeling that they are outgrowing the toddler level toys, however!


The Wednesday Poet said...

That's very funny. At least you know they have good vocabulary skills! (as well as construction skills)

Herding Grasshoppers said...

100% Boy!