Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter 2010

Easter has never dawned on a more perfect day in our little corner of the world. The sun was shining, the temperature was warm, and we were able to have the first outdoor Easter Egg hunt ever.

The boys woke to find their Easter baskets waiting on the fireplace. Matthew whispered with awe, "The Easter Bunny came!"

Then the egg hunt began. As parents, we wildly overestimated the number of jelly beans any child should have. The boys, of course, were delighted with the ridiculous amount of candy at their disposal!

Nolan finds an egg

Sometimes you need a little boost

Matt searches high for an egg

Nolan, mouth full of jelly beans

Scarfing down candy before Mom takes it away.

I wasn't sure exactly how much of the Easter story Matt understood, so I asked him what Easter was about. He placed his basket on the ground and said, "The bad guys tried to get Jesus, but they couldn't keep him dead." Good enough for a four year old!

The boys spent the remainder of the day playing outside in the sunshine with the neighborhood kids. Matt watched the neighbor boy bite the ears off a hollow chocolate bunny. He looked into the candy bunny's head and exclaimed with horror, "Where are his brains?!" I, for one, would have been far more horrified if there were brains in the chocolate rabbit.

We ended Easter with a nice ham dinner, complete with scalloped potatoes and jelly beans for dessert. The boys went to bed early, possibly falling into diabetic comas. Easter is now over, and I must begin the process of eating eliminating all of that candy and chocolate from the house!