Matthew starts school on Thursday. Universal Pre-K has a surprisingly long school supply list. I totally understood the need for markers and crayons, but the tube sock requirement threw me. As it turns out, the children will need tube socks and gardening gloves to make puppets later in the year. I have had ZERO luck in finding child-sized gardening gloves, since we are approaching the fall season and the stores are now stocking life-size Santa Clauses next to the pumpkins in the gardening department. Hopefully they won't make the finger puppets until spring.
Nolan starts three-year-old preschool on September 14. His school supply list is much, much smaller. Actually, it is non-existent. Except for the whole toilet-training requirement, which resulted in another trip to the store. We can all hope Reese's Pieces are a powerful motivator!
Those school supply lists are getting out of control in some areas. My cousin lives near Seattle and I was shocked at what her girls were supposed to provide! I suppose it's due to budget cuts, but they have the kids supplying the school office with things like copy paper for handouts, sharpies, etc.
Are the boys pretty excited?
Matt is VERY excited. He is so happy. He was placed at the "alternate" Pre-K site, which is at Zion Covenant (his teacher has a master's degree in early childhood literacy) and I'm happy that it is located at the local church.
Nolan is still convinced he is going to John Tracy- we have a bit of explaining to do for him!
I bought a few extra things for the supply list, just in case someone else didn't bring enough stuff for their kiddos. We were told to bring crayons OR markers, so I brought both. I brought extra dry-erase markers, too- I'm so worried some little kiddo will be there and not have the supplies they need!
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