Nolan has recently discovered there are perks to being The Mommy. The Mommy appears to have no bedtime, gets to drive, and gets to operate cool gadgets like cell phones and computers. Nolan's favorite conversational topic centers around this very topic.
At bedtime, when he is restricted to his bedroom, he tells me, "When I'm the Mommy, I go downstairs!"
When I caught him mashing buttons on the computer keyboard, he told me, "When I'm the Mommy, I play on computer!"
I found him trying to get into the car in the garage. His defense: "When I'm the Mommy, I drive car FAST!"
I've been finding these little conversations humorous, but his latest one left me perplexed. I wasn't sure what the child was saying to me as we walked in the mall.
"When I the Mommy, I have big booms."
I tried to figure out what he was saying. Brooms? Something that goes boom? Rooms? What was he talking about?
"Nolan, I'm sorry. I don't understand what you're saying."
An exasperated Nolan looked at me, then shouted at the top of his lungs:
"When I'm the Mommy I have BIG BOOMS. I have BIG BOOMS and wear a BRA!"
Oh, my.
He's gonna be bummed when he finds out boys don't get big booms!
Oh my gosh Leah, this had me cracking up! Sophie asked me at bath time the other day when she was going to get a "peanut" like her brother! I just about died...
Oh my, Leah! I am speechless, and that doesn't happen too often.
Love that guy!
Did anyone else in the mall hear this?
Great ammunition for when he's a teenager...
and Kerry is downstairs wondering what I'm laughing at. Truly LOL!
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