Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sledding on December 30, 2012

We had a great winter storm come through with a 2-3 foot snowfall. The boys were begging to go sledding, so we went to the local hill at the boys' school and had a great time.

Nolan has no fear and was flying down the hill the second we reached the top. The snow was still powdery in some areas, so the boys' foam sleds were perfect for the conditions. They float over soft snow and get a lot of speed.

Matt was kind enough to pose for me before he took a ride down the hill. The boys' elementary school is in the background.

Nothing makes the kids happier than playing in snow. Since they are indoors during much of the winter, sledding helps burn off that extra energy.

We ran into some friends at the sledding hill and Matt was thrilled to take a ride on the inflatable sled.

The kids alternated between the "big" inflatable sled and their foam boards throughout the afternoon.

Dennis even went down a few times with the kids. I couldn't fit into my ski pants (shrinking fabric, I tell you), so I avoided sledding and took pictures.

The boys found the jump in the sledding hill and had a fantastic time going over it. This gives me gray hair, but the kids absolutely have a blast getting air on the jumps.

Near the end of the day, all three boys tried to go down the hill on the inflatable sled. Nolan is lying down in the back, and they had a pretty spectacular crash.

No one was hurt during any of the crashes, but they all liked re-enacting the crash stories later. The jumps became larger with each retelling!

Evening was approaching, and the clouds broke apart to give us our first glimpse of blue sky in over a month.

It was time to go home, but Nolan wasn't having any of it and threw a really impressive fit. Sadly, we cannot live on the sledding hill, so he was dragged into the car and home.

Hopefully we'll have a snowy winter this year so we can enjoy these sledding days every weekend!

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