Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two and a Half Months

We finally made our airline reservations to visit California over Easter. Every time I look outside at the ridiculous amount of snow (and the -25F temperature with windchill) I pine for Southern California.

Dennis's parents recently visited and we did enjoy a brunch at a local ski resort and skiing at the beginning of the week. Then the weather turned less than pleasant and we spent quite a lot of time indoors. Luckily Grandpas are great at entertaining small children. We'd try to hire him permanently, but I don't think we could match his current salary. These quiet and happy times are when we want to pack up and move back to Ventura County!

Grandma was actually here, too, but we didn't get very many photos during their visit. I really need to remember to break out the camera more often!

Matthew had some real gems when they were visiting.

During bathtime: "Grandma, why you face wrinkled?"

On a snowy car ride, in an attempt to calm his grandmother's jitters: "We going to crash. A car going to hit us."

At night: "He keep taking my thumb!" That one took a bit of figuring out. The boys are still climbing into the same bed to sleep. Nolan was laying next to Matthew (our resident thumb-sucker) and kept yanking his thumb out of his mouth at regular intervals. I think Nolan liked the reaction he got out of Matthew when he pulled his thumb out.

Family has now left us and we are left in a world of snow and ice as they venture homeward toward sun and sand. Only two and a half months until we get to break out the shorts and go for a visit!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Well that's something fun to look forward to! Grandparents are the best :0)

Landry said...

Yes, but WE can't go skiing right outside our door and I have no idea what a snowman looks like. :( Maybe you and my Mom and Dad can houseswap for a week! :)

leah said...

Don't tempt me with a houseswap- I'm so sick of snow I'll take you up on it! I love winter- for about a month. My inner Californian really comes out in January and I start counting the days until spring.

Julie, grandparents are the best! I sure miss having family close by sometimes.