Friday, June 19, 2009

I Must Really Love to Vacuum


Nolan plays on the wet deck

It has been raining lately. By raining, I don't mean the light drizzle that triggers a "storm watch" in California. I mean a constant deluge of water sufficient to make me think about buying plans to build an ark. The boys have been trapped inside or confined to the relative "dry" area of our back deck. Which needs to be re-stained in a rather desperate way.


It might rain a lot here, but at least it is GREEN!


Pretending to surf


I love this little boy!

I decided that the three of us needed to get out of the house, so I took the boys shopping. You can guess how much two little boys enjoy "shopping." I won't go into details, but let's say it ended with lots of whining and pleading (mine). While trolling the aisles at Big Lots for some "race car" bedding, I ran across a little sandbox for $30. Since all boys love dirt, I picked it up and headed home with some sand toys and 2 bags of play sand.


Matt really "digs" the sandbox. Please forgive the pun.


Sand is the best toy EVER!


Nolan isn't a big fan of gritty hands and feet

Sand has the amazing ability to expand and scatter once out of the original packaging. Everything seems gritty- the back deck, the tile inside the house, my shoes... EVERYTHING! The boys truly love the sandbox, though, so it is definitely a winner.

I just need to find a way to hoover the boys prior to them coming inside the house!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Just remind yourself that sand is easier to clean up than mud...

that's what I do :0)

Cindie (Beauty3551) said...

Your kids are BEAUTIFUL! I got your message on my post about my son TJ who has EHK, and Down Syndrome and a hearing loss. :) Feel free to email me,


my myspace is

name cynthia carey-Hamilton.

I'm private on there so you'll need to send a friend invite or message!!
