Tuesday, June 16, 2009


My dad made Matthew a very cool cradle when he was born. It is a rocking boat, and Matt slept in this for quite some time. Now it is in the playroom, as a spot to sit and read books. When I went to check on the boys last night, I couldn't find Matthew in his bed. I found him in the playroom, snuggled into the cradle that had been his first bed!

My sweet boy still fits into his cradle, and obviously loves it as much as he did when he was a tiny baby.


Herding Grasshoppers said...

That is completely adorable! Saw the boat in another picture and wondered...

You guys have had a lot of fun lately with picnics and VBS :0)


leah said...

The cradle is really special- my dad took some of the mahogany trim from my grandfather's old shelving unit.

We have certainly been busy! Winter is so activity-free that we go a bit nuts in the summer, lol!