Thursday, August 20, 2009

Presque Isle

The amazing amount of rain we have been receiving finally relented long enough to give us a beach-worthy weekend. Not only was it beach-worthy, but it was HOT! We donned sunscreen, put the boys' swim shirts on, and trekked across the hot sand to the cool waters of Lake Erie.

There is a wonderful little beach at the end of the Presque Isle penninsula (Beach 11, for those who may be interested) which has very calm waters. The average water depth is only 2-3 feet deep, even far out into the lake. This is perfect for two small boys, who are mostly interested in digging holes in the sand and splashing their feet in the water.

We also brought along two swimsuits with built-in floaties. Matt is currently in swimming lessons, and we felt a swimsuit like this would help build his confidence in the water. As it turns out, Nolan became our little swimmer while Matt preferred to stay on dry land.

During this trip, Nolan would tip forward if he lost his footing. He didn't have the ability to maintain "vertical" in the water, which led to several sputtering moments. Within a few hours, though, he was able to swim independently with his floatie swimsuit. He's a fast learner!

Sunscreen supply and lack of nap tolerance exhausted, we finally had to leave the beach. We are definitely going to try to return again before the weather turns on us!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

That looks like so much fun!

Perfect beach for kids, and the water sure looks clear :0)


leah said...

It was clear! Though we were a little worried because we've had flooding rains and a lot of local beaches were closed. Presque Isle was open, though- I think the Great Lakes are buffered from the effects of local floods. We lost abotu 300 homes in our area due to flooding recently (our house is on a hill, so we were just fine).