Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ice Skating

We took both boys ice skating today: Nolan went for the first time, and Matthew for his third.

As always, we learned a lot by taking the boys on this exciting venture:

  • Two year olds with flailing legs become a lot more worrisome when sharp blades are attached to their feet.
  • After assuming a mummy-like position while pushing a two year old around the ice, you will probably require the services of a chiropractor.
  • An almost-four year old and a two year old can disassemble the ice arena's Christmas tree in 4.5 seconds.
  • Feet grow after bearing children. This will cause your formerly wonderful ice skates to become instruments of torture.
  • Elderly women walking on the indoor track don't particularly appreciate the charm of two-year old boys pretending to be dinosaurs. Especially when said dinosaur roars and begins chasing them. Some people have no sense of humor.
Matt did quite well for a not-quite four year old, and really started to get a sense of balance. Nolan couldn't stand up in his ice skates at all (even on the padded floor area), but he enjoyed the experience nonetheless.

1 comment:

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh my, you're brave.

I've had the same experience with my previously beloved ice skates. I guess I'd just better rent some.