Friday, October 22, 2010

Bring on the Sister Wives

"Mommy, why do they have such a big car?"

Matt stared in envy at the large 15 passenger van parked at his preschool. I explained that they had a lot of children in their family, so they needed a large vehicle to carry everyone. I told him that if we had more children, we would also need a larger vehicle.

"Like, if we had FIVE children, we would need a big van?"

"Yes, Matt. If we had five kids, we would need a van."

He sat quietly for a long time. I thought the conversation was over, until we arrived at his classroom and he declared:

"But then you would have to get married FIVE TIMES!"

You know, a sister-wife might come in handy on laundry day...


MB said...

Oh, I desperately want a sister wife for so many reasons!!

Frank Hagan said...

I want a "brother husband" with a good job. I will then hire a housekeeper.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh, there are times a sister-wife sounds pretty good, actually ;D Or maybe a maid...

Actually, a despachante. Kind of a messenger (in Brazil) who does all the errands (jobs) you don't want to do. Someone who expedites things.


leah said...

Why has no one told me of despachantes? I must find one! :-)

leah said...

And Dad, you can have a Brother Husband, but Mom gets to pick! ROFL!