Monday, October 18, 2010

Lost in Translation: At the Dinner Table

As we were sitting down to our lovely dinner of ribs and corn, Matthew was dancing in his chair. He had many tales to tell, because he had been on a long-awaited field trip. He couldn't wait to tell Daddy all about his adventures.

"Dad, Dad, Daddy, Da-a-a-a-ad. Guess what? Today we went to the Animal Cemetery!"

Dennis looked a bit surprised.

"An animal cemetery? I suppose that was... interesting."

Matt was gleeful.

"We saw LOTS of animals! It was so cool!"

I could see the confusion settling into Dennis's head. Four year old children and dead animals makes for a rather disturbing mental picture.

"You went to an animal cemetery? Really?"

Matt nodded solemnly and replied,

"Yes. The animal cemetery. It's where all the animals live."

I figured that the Mommy-Translation should come quickly, before the conversation took any strange turns to pet funerals or burial practices.

"Matt, I think you mean sanctuary. You went to the animal sanctuary today."

"That's right, Mom! The Audubon is a great animal cemetery. It has so many animals."

Glad we cleared that one up. Sigh...