Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I love Thanksgiving. I love the cozy days home with the family, basking in the warmth of a fire while the lake effect snow falls outside. This is Western New York, after all, and we nearly always have snow on Thanksgiving.

Most of all, I love the baking. I love the delicious smells coming from the kitchen, and the goodies stocked all over the house.

Oreo turkey cookies
Aunt Leta's marvelous sugar cookies
As I was deep in the throes of my pre-Thanksgiving bake-a-thon, Nolan wandered into the kitchen.

Now, really, is my cooking that bad? I promise I won't set the house on fire today, little guy!


EmmaVerdona124 said...

LOL that's cute, Nolan as a fireman! :D

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Ha ha ha!

My sympathies.

Every time we bake a pizza at home the smoke alarm goes off. The bazillion-decibels-and-flashing-strobe-light alarm for the hard of hearing...

