Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Interior Design: 4 Year Old Style

Matthew has been flexing his artsy muscles lately, and has been armed with scissors, glue and construction paper on a regular basis. I find drawings, stickers, and "projects" everywhere. Lately, his attention has been turned to decorating his bedroom. I think he is practicing for future dorm-room life, making his own posters.

His use of Scotch tape is impressive. Nearly every surface in the house has some tape on it. The most recent addition was an installation he calls, "Triangles." Who needs a bed skirt when you have a four year old armed with craft supplies?

If his current pace of "creativity" is maintained, I suspect we'll have to take out stock in 3M. In the meantime, I'm off to make another Walmart run- we are completely out of craft materials!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

I love the triangles! That's really thinking outside the box - very cool!

Together We Save said...

Oh wow - I love his work, so cute!!