Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cheap, Cheap, Cheapity-Cheap

I found a recipe for liquid laundry detergent online. While I'm not going to have a bazillion babies, the frugality of the Duggar recipe caused a shiver to go down my spine. A load of laundry done with commercial detergent costs about $0.20 per load. A load of laundry done with home-made laundry soap costs about $0.01 per load. This stuff costs about $2 for 10 gallons.

I did read (from online reviews) that the mixture can sometimes form "lumps" and doesn't mix well. Since I have a talent for getting bovine serum albumin and rabbit brains to go into solution*, I figured the laundry mix shouldn't pose too much of a challenge.

My dear husband thinks I have lost my mind. With the right set of ingredients purchased (along with a 5 gallon bucket), I made the detergent. It is now sitting in the laundry room until it cools off and obtains the right gel-like consistency.

I really hope it works!

*I used to work as a biologist for an in-vitro diagnostic device manufacturer, making coagulation reagents. The rabbits were from the Lucky Rabbit Company. Seriously. We turned them into rabbit brain powder- I'll leave the rest of the mental imagery up to you.

Update: This stuff really works! Not only does it work, but it actually works better than our commercial HE detergent. I always knew my inner scrooge frugality would pay off!

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