Sunday, June 10, 2012

Chautauqua Safety Village Birthday Party

Matthew and Nolan were invited to a friend's birthday party at the Chautauqua Children's Safety Village in late May. The kids were so excited, as the Safety Village is incredibly fun and a place the boys know well from field trips. It was also a pirate birthday party, which made everything even more fun!

The kids were asked to choose partners, and my boys chose each other. I love that they automatically choose each other. They also held hands - I had to catch this moment on camera to preserve for future moments when they may not be feeling quite as close!

The kids were taken outside to the Safety Village cars and allowed to drive around the block a few times. My kids were in absolute heaven!

The kids then had a "treasure hunt" around the Safety Village to find pirate loot by flags. There were also a few Easter Eggs hidden around the Village, and the boys ran around with the other children to find them!

There was a ride on the beloved Safety Village train, and the kids all piled into the train car for a tour of the entire Safety Village.

We went back to the party room for some lunch and cake - Matthew was rather inventive and created a strawberry sandwich.

The kids hit a piñata next. There is nothing more fun for children than whacking at a piñata. There is also nothing more terrifying for adults than a blindfolded child with a bat.

Nolan was among the first to go, due to his smallish size. Matt was the last in line, due to his rather impressive batting skills. The candy was poured out on a nearby lawn, since the piñata proved rather difficult to actually break.

The kids had a fantastic time at the birthday party and were thoroughly happy and tired after the event!

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