Friday, June 29, 2012

A Hike at the Audubon

I love summer because we can do a lot of really enriching, educational activities with the boys. I met a friend at our local Audubon center and we went for a hike in the woods. The boys were thrilled to meet up again (former preschool buddies).

They were very serious while consulting a trail map. Which way should we go?

Nolan was in high spirits. The woods are nice and cool, and he was feeling extremely well. Sleeping in until 10:00am has been very good for the boy. He even volunteered to carry the backpack!

A deer approached the boys as we walked down one trail. If you enlarge the picture below, you can see her behind the boys.

She walked off into the woods after looking at us. The beauty in our area is simply stunning sometimes.

We came across a three-story overview platform, and the boys had a great time climbing to the top to look out over Spatterdock pond.

I am going to be very sad when summer ends. I absolutely love our summer field trips!

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