Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bedtime at Our House

Before I had kids, I imagined that bedtime would be a calm, quiet end to the day with children in footie pajamas climbing happily into their beds after a quiet bath and story.

I had absolutely no idea about the realities of little boys with endless amounts of energy. Bath time is an extremely wet experience. Constant monitoring is required to prevent their favorite games of "shark attack" and "tsunami."

Once the boys are out of the bath, they usually get into their pajamas with little difficulty. They love their story. Sometimes, however, they run amok.

Hiding under the bed to avoid bedtime is a favorite game. It never lasts long, primarily because the adults in the house are actually tired and need the little people to settle down.

Eventually, we do manage to get the boys into bed. The silliness does not always end there, however, and there are giggles and silly faces until they decide to drop off to sleep.

Our bedtime routine does work, and they do go to sleep by 8:00 pm. In my pre-children days I just never imagined it would be so noisy!

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