Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Escape Artist


The weather has been nice lately, which means our sliding glass door has been open lately. This lets fresh air in, and three year old boys out.

As Dennis and I were finishing dinner clean-up duties, we notice the house is oddly quiet. Disconcertingly quiet. And then we notice the tricycle going full-bore down the driveway.

And there is our three year old boy, dressed in a t-shirt, socks, and sunglasses. Only a t-shirt, socks, and sunglasses. Upon further questioning, we found that he was going to visit the neighbor's house. And he doesn't know where his shoes, pants and underpants could possibly be*.

Thank goodness we caught him in time. I can only imagine what the neighbors would think when a half-naked child with dirty socks** and sunglasses came knocking at their door.

* We found the pants and underpants stuffed into the couch cushions. We've learned to stop asking "WHY?"

** His socks were only dirty because of the lack of shoes. I just felt a need to clarify this point.


Lone Star Family said...

Thanks for your comment, I actually stumbled across some of those blogs you mentioned, and they give me so much hope. We are thankful for any information and support we receive. Thanks again.
BTW your boys are adorable!

leah said...

I'm glad you found some of those blogs- kids really thrive and do so well now!

Thanks for the adorable comment (g)!

Herding Grasshoppers said...


You're cracking me up, and the kids are already in bed!

Who knows why boys do the things they do...

Love the first picture and the effect you did :0)
