Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back to School Night: August 30, 2012

The end of August arrived with Back to School Night. We were able to go to the boys' school, meet their new teachers, and see their new classrooms. Nolan is still in the "Kindergarten House," shared by pre-K and Kindergarten students. He has a new classroom, and we met his teacher and teacher of the deaf (TOD) in the room. We picked up his FM system there, and Nolan got acquainted with some of the new toys in the room.

We headed over to the 1st-2nd grade house to visit Matt's new room. First and second graders are down the hall from the Kindergarten pod. The school is arranged so that the primary grades are "down" the ramps and the intermediate grades (3-5) are on the second floor of the school. Matt's classroom was colorful and had a lot of centers for math and reading activities.

The tables were laid out with their new reading workbooks and a packet to take home.

Matt was the most excited about a first grade rite of passage. Lockers. First graders get lockers in our elementary school (no, they are not locked). With our weather, this allows the children to store school supplies and winter coats/boots/hats with ease.

It still seems strange to me. When I grew up in California, students didn't get lockers until high school!

We left the school that night and the boys were very excited to start school on September 5!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Back to school sure looks like fun!

You know, it does seem kind of weird for little to get lockers, but it's a lot better than having the whole class' stuff in one big closet, or all hung on hooks in a row.

When my oldest was in public school, they had all the hooks in a row, down the hallway, and guess what spread like crazy?


Hurray for the lockers!


dlefler said...

AHHHHHHHHH (that is my instinctive reaction to lice).

The Kindergarten house has hooks on the wall. Gah.

The lockers are really more like over-sized, glorified cubbies since they are mainly for coat storage and have no locks. The first graders like getting them - it is a "big deal" for the little guys!