Saturday, September 29, 2012

First Day of School 2012

September 5 was the first day of school. One happy first grader and one extremely excited Kindergartener were ready to head back into the classroom.

I did make one major change this year, and it was definitely for the better. I have decided to drive the boys to school, rather than having them take the school bus. This was the best decision I ever made - the school bus arrives at 8:00am and doesn't return until 4:00pm. By contrast, I can leave our house at 8:40am and have the boys home by 3:30pm - giving us an extra hour to the day. This makes a huge difference with after school activities!

Another change is that Nolan is now picking out his own clothes. He has a penchant for sweater vests.

It felt so strange to take both boys to school and to leave them there all day long. Matt, of course, was in full-day school last year. This year, I am sending my baby - my baby - to spend all day in class.

He was a little nervous to head into the school, but he went to Pre-K in the same building, so he knew his way around.

They were both excited and happy when I picked them up from school - they loved their teachers, the classrooms, and all of the new school supplies. The 2012 - 2013 school year is off to a great start!

Poor Casey Dog does miss his boys. He was happy to have them home again at the end of the day!

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