Monday, October 21, 2013

Chautauqua Gorge, Take 2

As the end of July neared, the rain didn't stop. We chose a day with a 30% chance of rain and went to the gorge anyway. This time, I took the boys with a group of other moms with their kids. My boys were so, so happy to arrive at the gorge. Nolan immediately went down the natural water slide formed by a waterfall. Matt went to hunt for fossils again.

Soon our friends arrived and the kids had the best time. My friend's older boy took Nolan around and helped him over slippery rocks. He is such a nice kid.

Matt played with his friend and they spent much of the afternoon skipping stones. I think they could have done this all day long!

Nolan played in the water most of the day. The water in the gorge is COLD, but he doesn't care. The boy is part fish.

After a few hours, sprinkles started to fall and we rushed up the trail to the car. We made it in time, and the rain started to pour as soon as we made it back onto the highway. We arrived home and watched the downpour from the comfort of our family room. This was certainly a wet summer!

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