Friday, October 25, 2013

Wee College 2013

Our local community college has a "wee college" program for kids 6-7 years old. It was perfect for our family this year, since Nolan made the cut-off date for a six year old and Matthew was seven. They could both attend the same session!

They did the physics camp and made water rockets, giant kites, a life-size Angry Birds slingshot, and more. It was a really fantastic program.

The week was over too quickly, as the boys really loved the activities. Next year, Matthew will be old enough for "Kid's College" - a program for 8-12 year old children. Nolan will be wee college age next year, so we may skip a year since I don't want to drive that far for two different sessions! It was a great experience for this year, though!

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