Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pittsburgh, Day 3: Carnegie Science Center

Rain was in the forecast, which was fine since we were planning on doing the Carnegie Science Center. We were a little concerned that most of the exhibits would be "over their heads," so to speak, but the science center had plenty to entertain little ones.

We stopped by the Sportsworks complex first, which was great for letting off a little steam! The boys could throw balls and run to their hearts' content. Nolan, sadly, was too light to participate in the trampoline or human yo-yo activities (the minimum weight for the trampoline was 36 pounds- Matt barely made the cut-off)!

Matt on the "You-Yo" exhibit.

Jumping on the trampoline.

Nolan, playing a large version of "Operation."

We spent the rest of the day exploring the submarine, miniature train exhibit, and playing on the fourth floor, which contained a large play area for small children. Nolan really liked the ball factory in this area, and Matt was fascinated by the water table.

Nolan in the "ball factory"

Checking out the miniature trains.

Nolan on the sub.

After a day of exploration, we hit the road to return home. The three hour drive went by quickly, with Nolan watching "Signing Time" on the DVD player and Matthew snoozing off the day's excitement.

Farewell, Pittsburgh- we will miss you!


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh Leah!

What a fun vacation for the boys! (Except for that little adventure under the bed the first night...)

Jam-packed with fun (and learning... but who needs to know?!) My boys would be all over the "Du-climb".

Happy summer,


leah said...

They truly had a wonderful time. Every day, Matt asks me,

"When are we going to the country of Pittsburgh again?"

Guess we'd better work on that whole city vs. state vs. country thing, lol!